The rainy season is well underway here in Vancouver. We should enjoy every dry day we have, no matter how cold, because soon there can be days on end with that famous Pacific Northwest drizzle. It is part of the charm of living in Vancouver that we get this drizzle while the rest of the country gets the snow dumps that make people think all Canadians live in igloos.
As much fun as having drizzle instead of snow is, it does mean we need to pay close attention to our perimeter drainage in Vancouver. This is the cost of living here and should be taken seriously. If not tended to, the damage to the foundation of your house can be far more costly than an inspection of the perimeter drainage pipes.
Like the name suggests, perimeter drainage pipes run along the perimeter of your home. They are usually underground, and they are meant to drain the rain water away from the foundation of your house, so as to reduce the risk of water damage to your property. It is therefore important to make sure that these pipes are always in top working condition. It will be much cheaper to fix the perimeter drainage in Vancouver than to fix the foundation of your property.
Since these pipes are underground, they will, over time, suffer wear and tear. They can get clogged or damaged and erode. If you have trees on your property, there can even be tree roots piercing the pipes. This is why it is important to stay on top of it.
The other reason that you might want to get someone to come look at your perimeter drainage in Vancouver is that it might need to be replaced completely. PVC is the material that is now used to lay perimeter drainage in Vancouver, but it was not always the case. It was once clay and clay will become brittle and then crack and erode away. Then for a short time Big – O Drainage systems were installed, since it was cheap and easy to bend, but since it was so thin, they got damaged very quickly.
Some signs that your perimeter drainage in Vancouver needs tending to include a wet lawn or basement. If your rain leaders are clogged, it could also mean you have damaged or eroded pipes. Go to West Coast Drainage and see what services they offer to help you with your perimeter drainage in Vancouver.